Thelemic Culture Update is a monthly feature that brings together links to various announcements, writings, and events from around the web.
- On March 20, 2013 e.v., we entered a new Thelemic year: Anno IVxxi (Year 109 of the New Aeon)!
- Speech in the Silence, program #40, includes a lecture by Robert Buratti on “Aleister Crowley and Paul Gauguin,” a reading by Frater Sabazius X° of Crowley’s “The Law of Liberty,” a message from the sponsors about “93 Hour Energy,” a reading by Lon Milo DuQuette from his introduction to “Best of the Equinox Vol.2,” Dr. David Shoemaker’s Living Thelema segment on “Anima/Animus and the Magical Path,” and music by Robot Chant, the Sitar Outreach Ministry, and the Green Man. [Speech in the Silence]
- Cathryn Orchard writes about being a Novice Priestess in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica [OTO Ireland]
- 2nd Century Thelema posts a new interview with Dr. David Hill [2C Thelema]
- Aleister Crowley’s art will be included in the 55th International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale. At least three other Thelemites made the list as well: Harry Smith, Xul Solar, and Frieda Harris. [Art in America Magazine]
- Frater Sabazius X°, the National Grand Master General of U.S.G.L. Ordo Templi Orientis, wishes the new Pope well. [Sabazius X°]
- The Aleister Crowley graphic novel “Wandering the Waste” by Martin Hayes (author) and R.H. Stewart (illustrator), is now available for pre-order from [Amazon]
- IAO131 writes about the basics of Thelemic Mysticism [IAO131]
- “Collective 777″ the Art Guild of Ordo Templi Orientis, Australia, is launched. [Collective 777]
- Eleusyve Productions has uploaded several video clips of their rock opera versions of the Rites of Eleusis [Eleusyve Productions]
- Some images floating around this month:
Filed under: Thelema, Thelemic Culture Update Tagged: 2ct, 2cthelema, 93 hour energy, aleister crowley, aleister crowley art, aleister crowley art exhibition, aleister crowley graphic novel, anima, anima and animus and the magical path, animus, art exhibition, art guild, art guild of oto australia, australia, cathryn orchard, collective 777, david shoemaker, dr david shoemaker, ecclesia gnostica catholica, egc, eleusyve, eleusyve productions, fried harrs, graphic novel, harry smith, iao131, lon milo duquette, magical path, novice priestess, ordo templi orientis, oto australia, oto ireland, paul gauguin, priestess, rites of eleusis, robert buratti, robot chant, sabazius, second century thelema, sitar outreach ministry, speech in the silence, the green man, the law of liberty, thelema, thelemic culture, thelemic culture update, thelemic mysticism, wandering the waste, xul solar